Workshop WS2 "Spin-Dependent Phenomena for New Device Applications"

© TU Wien
Schematic example for a spin-based device

The workshop will take place on Monday, September 5, 2016 at the SISPAD conference location (Le Meridien Grand Hotel).

The workshop fee is 60 EUR and includes workshop proceedings (printed handout of the slides), lunch, and coffee breaks.

To register for the workshop, choose the workshop option "WS2" in the online registration form or just send an e-mail to You can register for the workshop independent of the registration for the conference.

Further information and abstracts of presentations

The workshop will provide an introduction to the materials and operating regimes, the methods of modeling, the areas of existing and future application and the critical unsolved issues in the field. The workshop will be organized by V. Sverdlov and T. Grasser (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien). It will comprise of the following presentations (the titles should be considered tentative):

9:00 Registration
9:30 Ultrafast and Gigantic Spin Injection in Semiconductors Marco Battiato (TU Wien)
10:15 Theoretical Insights into Spintronic and Spin-Orbitronic Phenomena in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions and Interfaces Mairbek Chshiev (Univ. Grenoble Alpes and INAC CEA, Grenoble)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Logic-in-memory: A Non-Volatile Processing Environment for the Post CMOS Age Thomas Windbacher (TU Wien)
12:15 Nanomagnetic Logic - from Micromagnetics to Circuit-Level Simulations Markus Becherer (TU Muenchen)
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Electrical Switching of an Antiferromagnet Tomas Jungwirth (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic and University of Nottingham, UK)
14:45-15:30 Silicon Quantum Spintronics: Progress and Prospects Rajib Rahman (Purdue University, IN USA)